Supervised Experience

Supervised Experience

HomeResourcesSurvey Questions and AnswersSupervised Experience
Q1: Total Number of Supervised Experience Hours Required
Q2: Does your board accept practicum hours to count towards supervised experience requirements for licensure?
Q2a: If yes, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
Q3: Which of the following best describes internship hours as a requirement for licensure?
Q3a: If accepted, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
Q3b: If required, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
Q3c: If accepted, do you require the internship to be APA accredited?
Q3d: If required, do you require the internship to be APA accredited?
Q3e: If accepted, do you require the internship to be CPA accredited?
Q3f: If required, do you require the internship to be CPA accredited?
Q4: Which of the following best describes postdoctoral hours as a requirement for licensure?
Q4a: If accepted, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
Q4b: If required, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
Q4c: If accepted, is an APA or CPA accredited internship required?