



  1. As part of the collection of ASPPB membership dues, psychology licensing boards are surveyed regarding the current number of licenses they maintain and issue. 2023 data is not available for the following jurisdictions: Arkansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Northwest Territories, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and Tennessee. 2022 data was included due to no response for the following jurisdictions: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Saskatchewan, and Virginia.
  2. The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States.
  3. The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) is the national association for the science, practice and education of psychology in Canada.
  4. Regional accreditation apples to an institution of higher education that was, at the time the degree was awarded, regionally accredited by bodies approved by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and the United States Office of Education, or a university recognized by Universities Canada, formerly known as Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC).
  5. Residency means physical presence, in person, face-to-face, at an educational institution granting the doctoral degree for the purposes facilitating acculturation in the procession, the full participation and integration of the individual in the education and training experiences and includes faculty student interaction. Training models that rely exclusively on physical presence for periods of less than one (1) (e.g., Multiple long weekends and/or summer intensive sessions), or that use video teleconferencing or other electronic means as a substitute for any part of the minimum requirement for physical presence at the institution do not meet this definition of residency.


  1. 2023 data is not available for the following jurisdictions: Colorado, District of Columbia, Guam, Maine, Puerto Rico.
  2. Connecticut: Experience requirement is both pre and post-doctoral. Internship hours competed as a requirement for doctoral degree are not accepted.
  3. Pennsylvania: Predoctoral internship is a part of the APA accredited doctoral program. The predoctoral internship is automatically accepted as satisfying 1 of the 2 years of supervised experience.


  1. Data in this section comes from the PSYPACT Commission.
  2. Data presented regarding PSYPACT is current through December 31, 2023. For the latest information, visit www.psypact.org.


  1. Data in this section comes from the ASPPB Examinations division’s archives


  1. Data in this section comes from the ASPPB’s Disciplinary Data System.
  2. The number of reported reasons listed in a report may change based on information provided by the licensing board after the publication of a previous annual report. Reported reasons are listed based on the date of discipline taken and not the date reported to ASPPB.
  3. Reprimand as defined by the ASPPB Committee on Disciplinary Issues (CODI): A disciplinary action that constitutes public admonishment by the licensing entity.
  4. Revocation as defined by the ASPPB CODI: A disciplinary action that takes away licensure or registration by the licensing entity; however, in some instances the individual may reapply for licensure at a later time.
  5. Probation as defined by the ASPPB CODI: A disciplinary action taken by the licensing entity which allows the individual’s right to practice to continue, but with terms and conditions added to protect the public during that time of probation.
  6. Suspension as defined by the ASPPB CODI: A loss of licensure or registration by the licensing entity for a defined period of time or, in some cases, an indefinite period of time, in order for the suspension to be lifted, often other conditions must be met.

APPENDIX B: Survey Questions & Responses

13. Which of the following best describes internship hours as a requirement for licensure?

  • Florida: Internship hours completed towards an APA-accredited doctoral degree in psychology satisfy 2000 of the 4000-hour supervised experience requirement.
  • Iowa: Clinical internship is required for Health Service Provider License.
  • Oregon: Required only for foreign degrees.
  • Pennsylvania: Pre-doc internship is part of the APA accredited doctoral program.

17. Which of the following best describes postdoctoral hours as a requirement for licensure?

  • Connecticut: Experience requirement is bot pre- and post-doctoral. Internship hours completed as a requirement for doctoral degree are not accepted.

21. If yes, how do your rules/regulations define the EPPP (paper administered) passing score?

  • Hawaii: A score of not less than the national average raw score (rounded up to the nearest whole integer if a fraction is reported) of all Ph.D. candidates sitting for the examination for the first time shall be passing for the EPPP written examination. For examination waiver applicants, the passing score for the EPPP shall be the board’s passing score at the time the applicant sat for the EPPP written examination.
  • Iowa: The rule is generic to accept 70% and the current passing point. “The EPPP score shall be utilized as the Iowa passing score.”
  • Pennsylvania: The passing score is defined by the Board’s regulations.
  • Virginia: The Board shall establish passing scores on all steps of the examination.

22. If yes, how do your rules/regulations define the EPPP (computer administered) passing score?

  • British Columbia: “Successful completion”; passing score is determined by policy (500 or higher)
  • Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Prior to 2001, licenses were through endorsement.
  • Hawaii: A score not less than the national average raw score (rounded up to the nearest whole integer if a fraction is reported) of all Ph.D. candidates sitting for the examination for the first time shall be passing for the EPPP written examination.
  • Iowa: The rule is generic to accept 70% and the current passing point. “The EPPP passing score shall be utilized as the Iowa passing score.”
  • Pennsylvania: The passing score is defined in the Board’s regulations.
  • Virginia: Does not define but uses the ASPPB recommended passing point.
  • Washington: To be considered for licensure, applicants must receive a score of at least 70% or the national mean, whichever is lowest.

23. When is the earliest time the EPPP (Part 1 –Knowledge) can be taken?

  • Alberta: After registration as a provisional psychologist.
  • British Columbia: After education, training and experience has been reviewed and determined to meet our requirements.
  • Florida: After degree is granted, when applying and approved under the Bifurcation/Exam application.
  • Kentucky: After completion of Master’s degree.
  • Saskatchewan: Anytime during the provision period, but before sitting for the oral exam.
  • Tennessee: After authorized by the Board to sit for the exam.
  • West Virginia: After acceptable Master’s degree.
  • Wisconsin: Allows exam to be taken at any time.

32. If yes, what are the specific requirements?

  • Alabama: Criminal history record information, fingerprint check through FBI & ALEA; U.S. Citizenship / Legal Presence Requirements
  • Michigan: See https://www.michigan.gov/lara/bureau-list/bpl/health/hp-lic-health-prof/psychology.

49. Does your board authorize temporary practice?

  • Temporary Practice: ASPPB defines temporary practice as when an individual licensed to practice psychology at the doctoral level in one jurisdiction may practice psychology into another jurisdiction for a specific period of time without obtaining full licensure.

50. If yes, which of the following are required to be completed/obtained by a licensed psychologist prior to conducting temporary practice?

  • Alberta: Temporary License; registration verification; criminal records check; vulnerable sector check.
  • Arizona: Participate with PSYPACT; Other: 20 days per calendar year licensure exemption established in statutes.
  • Florida: Familiarity with Sections 490.014(2)(e), 490.003 and 490.012, Florida Statutes; Foreign licensees must petition the Board in this regard.
  • Iowa: Notification to Board; Permit to Practice; Other: $60 fee; summary of intent to practice; official license verifications.
  • Nova Scotia: Notification to Board; Temporary License; Other: https://www.nsbep.org/information-for-registrants/telepsychology/.
  • Ontario: Temporary license, Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate.
  • Pennsylvania: Participate with PSYPACT; Other: A psychologist with an active license in another state is permitted to practice in PA for an aggregate of up to 14 days without notifying the Board.
  • Vermont: An application, application fee and verification of licensure from the other state(s).
  • Washington: Participate with PSYPACT; Other: Must be either licensed from another state deemed substantially equivalent or demonstrates proof of graduation from an APA-or CPA-accredited doctoral program and successful completion of an APA-, APPIC-, or CPA-approved internship.

51. If yes, what is the maximum number of days allowed for temporary practice?

  • Missouri: Individuals can practice under an exemption in statute up to 15 days within a 9-month period without applying for a license and without a notification to the Committee. A temporary license can be issued for up to 2 years.
  • Prince Edward Island: Practice with a single client only in a year; no limit on days.

52. If yes, must the temporary practice be completed within any of the following?

  • British Columbia: Two types of temporary practice is offered. One is consecutive x 15 days, 2x calendar year. The other is 30 non-consecutive over 12 months.

APPENDIX C: Data Table – Response by Jurisdiction

Alabama: Criminal History Record Information fingerprint check through FBI & ALEA; US Citizenship / Legal Presence Requirements.

Florida: Familiarity with Sections 490.014(2)(e), 490.003 and 490.012, Florida Statutes; Foreign licensees must petition the Board in this regard.

Hawaii: A score of not less than the national average raw score (rounded up to the nearest whole integer if a fraction is reported) of all Ph.D. candidates sitting for the examination for the first time shall be passing for the EPPP written examination…For examination waiver applicants, the passing score for the EPPP shall be the board’s passing score at the time the applicant sat for the EPPP written examination –(Paper & Computer Administered).

Iowa: The rule is generic to accept 70% and the current passing point. “The EPPP passing score shall be utilized as the Iowa passing score.” The 70 – (Paper & Computer Administered).

Iowa: Schools require certification by the Dept. of Education; accredited academic institutions; government or nonprofit institutions or agencies; research facilities.

Louisiana: Individuals employed by the Board of Education; University professors not engaged in the provision of psychological services.

Missouri: Individuals can practice under an exemption in statute up to 15 days within a 9 month period without applying for a license and without a notification to the Committee. A temporary license can be issued for up to 2 years.

Oregon: Other state license with services in scope of practice; state or federally employed, or in community mental health program, but limited to 24 months; clergy; work as part of accredited psychology program (practicum or internship).

South Carolina: Church, Postdoctoral training, A Certified School Psychologist, School guidance counselor or social worker, public and private schools, Government employee of this state or federal employee within scope of employment, South Carolina Dept of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Employee supervised by a Licensed South Carolina Psychologist.

Virginia: Employees or volunteers of the federal, state or local government or any agency established or funded, in whole or part, by any such governmental entity or of a private, nonprofit organization or agency sponsored or funded, in whole or part, by a community-based citizen group or organization.

Washington: Must be either licensed from another state deemed substantially equivalent or demonstrates proof of graduation from an APA-or CPA-accredited doctoral program and successful completion of an APA-, APPIC-, or CPA-approved internship.

Wyoming: Teaching of psychology, conducting of psychological research, provision of industrial or organizational consultation, expert testimony.