Jurisdiction Data: Arizona

Jurisdiction Data: Arizona

HomeResourcesJurisdiction DataJurisdiction Data: Arizona
wdt_ID Question Answer
1 What is the minimum degree level required for this license type? Doctoral
2 Is regional accreditation of the degree granting institution required? No
3 Which of the following currently best describes APA Accreditation as a requirement for licensure? Accepted for Licensure but there are Other Alternatives
4 Which of the following currently best describes CPA Accreditation as a requirement for licensure? Not Applicable
5 If APA and/or CPA Accreditation is required, do you have an equivalent path to licensure? Not Applicable
6 Does APA/CPA satisfy educational requirements for licensure in your jurisdiction? Yes
7 Is residency at the educational institution granting the degree required? Yes
8 If yes, what is the minimum time period required for residency? Eighteen semester hours or thirty quarter hours or thirty-six trimester hours completed within a twelve-month consecutive period
9 If yes, must the residency be continuous? Yes
10 Total Number of Supervised Experience Hours Required: 3,000
11 Does your board accept practicum hours to count towards supervised experience requirements for licensure? No
12 If yes, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
13 Which of the following best describes internship hours as a requirement for licensure? Required for Licensure
14 If accepted, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
15 If required, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist? Yes
16 If accepted, do you require the internship to be APA accredited?
17 If required, do you require the internship to be APA accredited? No
18 If accepted, do you require the internship to be CPA accredited?
19 If required, do you require the internship to be CPA accredited? No
20 Which of the following best describes postdoctoral hours as a requirement for licensure? Accepted for Licensure
21 If accepted, is the supervisor required to be a license is the supervised required to be a licensed psychologist? Yes
22 If required, is the supervisor required to be a licensed psychologist?
23 If accepted, is an APA or CPA accredited internship required? No
24 Is the EPPP required to become licensed? Yes
25 Prior to computerized scoring (2001), many jurisdictions had different rules on passing scores. How do your rules/regulations define EPPP (paper administered) passing score? 70%
26 If yes, how do your rules/regulations define the EPPP (computer administered) passing score? 500 - Standard Score
27 If yes, how do your rules/regulations define the passing score? A scaled score of five hundred on the computer-based examination
28 When is the earliest time the EPPP Part 1 can be taken?
29 Is the EPPP (Part 2 -Skills) required to become licensed? Yes
30 If yes, do your rules allow for early admittance of the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), which allows the candidate to take the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) after all coursework is completed? No
31 Does your board require an oral exam? No
32 If yes, what is the format of the oral exam?
33 Does your board require a jurisprudence exam? No
34 If yes, what information is covered by the jurisprudence exam?
35 Does your board have any other requirements that must be completed prior to licensure (e.g., coursework outside of the academic program, fingerprints)? Yes
36 If yes, what are the specific requirements? Beginning January 1, 2022 a fingerprint clearance card is required.
37 Board Application Fee 350.00
38 Initial Licensure Fee 0.00
40 Administrative Fee 0.00
41 Oral Examination Fee 0.00
42 Jurisprudence Examination Fee 0.00
43 Temporary Authorization to Practice 200.00
44 License Renewal 500.00
45 Verification of License / Endorsement to Another Jurisdi... 0.00
46 Inactive Fee 85.00
47 What is your renewal schedule? Every Two Years
48 Does your board have an inactive license status available to licensees? Yes
49 Does your board require continuing professional development/continuing education? Yes
50 If required, how many hours are required in each renewal period? 40,Two Years
51 If required, are any of the hours required to be in Ethics? Yes
52 If required, how many are required and in each renewal period? 4,Two Years
53 ASPPB defines temporary practice as when an individual licensed to practice psychology at the doctoral level in one jurisdiction may practice psychology into another jurisdiction for a specific period of time without obtaining full licensure. Does your board authorize this type of practice? Yes
54 If yes, which of the following are required to be completed/obtained by a licensed psychologist prior to conducting temporary practice? Participate with Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT)
55 If yes, what is the maximum number of days allowed for temporary practice? 20
56 If yes, must the days be consecutive? No
57 If yes, must the temporary practice be completed within any of the following? A calendar year
58 Emergency relief capacity No
59 Testifying as an expert witness Yes
60 Consulting on a limited basis Yes
61 Forensic or other assessment Yes
62 Does your jurisdiction allow for prescriptive authority for licensed psychologists? No
63 If yes, do you require the Psychopharmacology Examination for Psychologists (PEP)?
64 Are there settings in your jurisdiction in which a psychologist is exempt from the requirement to be licensed? Yes
65 If yes, please include the settings in which a psychologist is exempt from the requirement to be licensed. A common school, high school, charter school or other educational institution setting that serves pupils in prekindergarten or kindergarten programs or any of grades 1-12.
66 Do applicants for licensure receive special consideration regarding meeting current licensure requirements based on the number of years of experience as a licensed psychologist? Yes
67 If yes, which of the following apply? Select all that apply Less than 5 Years Experience
68 Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (CPQ) Yes
69 American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Certification Yes
70 National Register Yes
0 Is your state a Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) particpating state? Yes