Research Requests and/or Support

Research Requests and/or Support

HomeInitiativesResearch Requests and/or Support


Engaging in and encouraging research on matters related to psychology regulation is important for the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) to meet one of its central purposes of providing resources to its members. To fulfill this purpose, the ASPPB Board of Directors may consider providing data and/or support to individual research projects that are related to ASPPB’s mission and goals, and that follow ASPPB policy. 


  • All requests for research from ASPPB staff should be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO shall approve or deny the request or forward it to the ASPPB Board of Directors if deemed necessary. 
  • All external requests for research support, data access, or other assistance must be in writing on the appropriate form and submitted to the ASPPB Research Committee for its review and distribution to the appropriate ASPPB Committee or Task Force. 
  • If data are being requested, the researcher must present the ASPPB Research Committee with an explanation of how that data will be used. 
  • If data are made available, researchers must be willing to enter a confidentiality agreement and/or a memorandum of understanding with the ASPPB regarding the use, reproduction, ownership, and security of the data. Such use must comply with all applicable ethical standards. 
  • The assigned Committee or Task Force will review the request, gather more information as needed, and make a recommendation to the ASPPB Board of Directors regarding the request. 
  • The ASPPB Board of Directors reserves the right to deny any research request. 
  • The ASPPB Board of Directors reserves the right to deny access to any proprietary or confidential data. 
  • If the research request is denied by the Board of Directors, the requestor will be provided in writing an explanation for the denial. 
  • The requestor may file an appeal with the ASPPB Research Committee to provide additional information to rectify the reasons for the denial. 
  • The Research Committee shall review the appeal and make a recommendation to the ASPPB Board of Directors regarding the appeal. 
  • If support or data are provided, ASPPB must be appropriately cited in the 
  • research product and all future publications that may result from the research product. 
  • ASPPB reserves the right to require review and approval of any research product developed under this policy before the product’s dissemination. 
  • ASPPB must receive complimentary copies of the research product in advance of 
  • dissemination. 
  • The researcher must be willing, if requested by ASPPB, to present the research product at an ASPPB meeting with funding to be provided by ASPPB for the purpose of the researcher attending the meeting and presenting the research product. 
  • The ASPPB Board of Directors may provide written support, limited access to ASPPB data, and/or award a research grant or in-kind services based on merit. 
  • The ASPPB Board of Directors may designate funds for research support in annual ASPPB budgets. 
  • The ASPPB Board of Directors reserves the right to deny any request for research support. 
  • All data being provided as the result of an approved research request must be accessed through the CEO or staff designated by the CEO. 

In order to utilize data that is gathered and maintained by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Board (ASPPB) and/or the Centre for Data and Analysis on Psychology Licensure (the Centre), you must make your request in writing using the following request form. 

Any research data requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The requests should be submitted to: 

Once your request has been received and reviewed, you will be notified as soon as reasonably possible regarding the outcome of your request. If the request is approved, an estimated time frame will be given for the fulfillment of the request. Please note that the approval process may involve several ASPPB committees as well as the ASPPB Board of Directors. If during the review process, it is deemed that the release of this data violates any security or confidentiality obligations, the request is subject to denial.